Every now and then one actually “smarten’s up”. Here’s where this is going: for the last 10 years attending the Leadership Summit, I have had a weekend message facing me that kept me trying to steal 20 minutes here and 30 minutes there texting friends back east who were at the Summit experiencing it in their time zones asking which session might be a little bit “miss-able”. Mind you this was not forced on me by anyone. Often Mike would ask me, “don’t you want to get someone in for the weekend”. For some lunk-headed reason I chose to speak.

Well finally this year, I asked my “really” good friend, Bill Yaccino to come and speak for us partly so I could focus on what God was saying to me & us at the GLS (Global Leadership Summit) and partly because Bill is a great speaker that fits well at Journey and partly just to hang out with him.

It was a powerful weekend. Bill graciously agreed to preach in our series ESSENTIAL LIFE on “Love MERCY”. He did a great job of opening up Micah 6:8

Mic. 6:8 He has told you, O man, what is good;
And what does the LORD require of you
But to do justice, to love MERCY,
And to walk humbly with your God?

Worship was crazy this weekend. I was floored, I mean destroyed by the old Charles Wesley hymn, Come Ye Sinners! Has there ever been a more beautiful presentation of the Gospel?

Sarah also shared how God is leading our College Ministry OUT and what they’ve experienced at Collier Park this summer.