What was your first time at Journey like?
I was in 7th grade and had never been to a church this big before. I was very intimidated by the whole thing and sat with my mom in main service for the first few years.
What is your biggest passion?
I am passionate about connecting students and young adults to the power and presence of God. I absolutely love seeing students grow and risk in their faith. Nothing in the world beats a moment when I see a student actually “get it” and experience God in a new way.
What does it mean you to be a Christ follower?
It means carrying the Love and Peace of God with me everywhere I go. For me it means living in the tension of doing life with people far from God, while staying rooted and connected to my community of Godly people.
Have you ever taken a leap of Faith?
A couple years ago, New Format, our college ministry, took on the adventure of running Summer Fun Camp Haiti. I had it in my mind that I would not be able to go because of lack of money and other obstacles. However, I felt so compelled and called to be part of this team and so I went anyway. God provided everything I needed to make the trip happen.