Inside Out Series Logo


If you haven’t noticed, emotions guide our lives.

They decide whether we have a good day or bad one. They decide what we feel towards certain people and circumstances. Sometimes our emotions seem rather black and white – you feel them or you don’t. But why not lean into what we feel and see the explosion of color they’re showing us?


Because what you feel MATTERS.


Your emotions are valid and they hold a whole other world inside of them. Living inside out can seem scary sometimes, but the bond it creates between us and others makes it worth it. Jesus lived His life inside out, so that we might draw near to him and recognize His heart within our own! In the emotional rainbow of life, living in the moment with what we feel is a big step. But just like riding a rollercoaster, you’ll always be glad that you took the leap!


Jan 31-  ANGER – Sam Saavedra

Feb 7- SADNESS – Ashley Melton


Feb 14 – “In the Middle”– Edge56 & Riptide Together!!!


Feb 21- DISGUST – Jessica Berg

Feb 28- FEAR – Ben Toth