This was a fun & challenging message for me, and a great weekend for US!  In the end 1 Corinthians 5, as many questions as it raises for us, is a call to a level of community that frankly is still out there for us.

The worship was powerful!



The centerpiece was part of the overall message of 1 Corinthians.

Bottom line: Scripture is sometimes a “head butt”. There are times when it offends us and seems as countercultural as it did when it was first written for perhaps different reason. I just listened to a message from Tim Keller, author and pastor of Redeemer Presbyterian Church in NYC. He made this dramatic statement: Americans have the hardest time understanding and living the gospel of any culture in history.

We certainly don’t like to be told that we really don’t have the right to do whatever we want, that we belong not only to God but also to each other.


This coming weekend, we’ll take it to another level in a message called “My Way or the Highway”.