It was a great weekend at Journey. Actually we capped off a great WEEK.
On Tuesday, the Journey Up Rally marked a truly epic night, a great “this is MY church” moment. As we finish this campaign that began about three and a half years ago we wanted to
• Stop and give thanks for all that God has done! We needed to offer a big YEAH GOD!
• FINISH STRONG we didn’t want to coast but sprint across the finish line
• RETIRE OUR 2ND – We have a second mortgage due in June.
So we made sure that everyone was up to speed and informed. We said a huge yeah God with much praise. We also made commitments to what we would like to do between now and the end of 2010 to retire that 2nd.
This weekend we continued in our series in the book of Acts called Vintage Us looking at the Samaritan story in Acts 8 and wrapping up our Journey Up month.