I was off to the desert for my monthly solitude retreat this last Monday & Tuesday. Here are some pics & a few random reflections from my journal.


I love this morning soak in Your Word, in the story of God at work. I love the time to Journal. I love the wrestling. I love watching the creation. I love the absolute lack of people sounds; the only sounds I hear are the cooler, birds & wind.


Noise is like adrenalin. It’s like 5-hour energy or Red Bull. It’s kind of a buzz, but it’s not real. It’s not rhythmic. I feel like there is a deeper energy infused in me, a piece of or connection with the “deeper magic” when I’m alone & quiet for a decent amount of time. There is something healing about a break from “human sounds”.

The “Nike Commercial Run”


Certain authors seem to inspire a desire beyond just getting the point of their book. They seem to make you want to not just grasp the thoughts in their books, but be more like them in the way that they interact with ideas. DW of course is the best example. JP makes me want to come hard, passionately after God. Eldridge makes me want to relate more poetically to my life, to be more connected to the epic story God is writing. I have found a new one. Tim Keller. I read Prodigal God as slowly as I could. I wanted to stretch it out & savor it. But alas, I finished it last night. TK makes me want to read more broadly, share the truth more winsomely and read more fiction.

I happened to read this passage as a part of my daily reading plan.

1Sam. 16:13 Then Samuel took the horn of oil and aanointed him in the midst of his brothers; and bthe Spirit of the LORD came mightily upon David from that day forward. And Samuel arose and went to Ramah.
The Hebrew word for “Spirit” (ruach) can also be translated “wind” (Read John 3 with this in mind, this conversation could have taken place in Hebrew). The word for “came on” is TITZLACH, which can mean rush. Tizlach ruach YHWH ‘el dwd. The spirit of Yahweh rushed upon David…It just so happened that the 2 days I was out there, the wind blew harder than I have ever experienced in California. It would whip down the canyon & shake the house.

The front brings some serious wind


I felt like I was back in Omaha during some of those storms. It’s funny how long I lingered over this passage in my reading. I didn’t make the connection till I was driving home. Dave Busby, the best, most anointed speaker I’ve ever heard (I’m O so blessed to have called him a friend) used to pray over groups, “WIND OF GOD, BLOW”. John Wimber used to also pray this before ministry times. I’ve imitated these great men, often praying it. I’m going to pray it as we gather this weekend at Journey. “O Wind of God, blow!”