by Ed Noble | Dec 6, 2012 | Ed's blog, Weekends |
Jason and I were still a little jet-lagged but stoked to be back. We launched into 1 Corinthians 10 in which Paul uses his strategic decision to lay down his rights and freedoms. Jesus himself had established a pattern that those who make preach the gospel should...
by Ed Noble | Nov 6, 2012 | Ed's blog, Weekends |
For me this weekend flew by. It was packed, but God met us at every turn. MEN’S BREAKFAST – It was so fun to have breakfast outside with a bunch of our Journey guys. We ate big, got to know lots of people (I met a dozen guys for the first time), surveyed the guys as...
by Ed Noble | Oct 29, 2012 | Ed's blog, Weekends |
This was truly an epic weekend at Journey! GENERATIONS MINISTRY OUTREACH – During the Friday night service, our generation had a “Crazy Hair” Halloweenish outreach. We had several hundred kids who had a great time. Our kids are getting our INVITE TEMP DNA in them!...
by Ed Noble | Oct 16, 2012 | Ed's blog, Weekends |
Our series Glorious Mess is looking at the lessons from St Paul’s letter to the church he started in a city called Corinth. We’re calling the first movement of this series “1ST CALIFORNIANS” because these guys lived in a culture and dealt with problems that remind us,...
by Ed Noble | Oct 10, 2012 | Ed's blog, Weekends |
This was a fun & challenging message for me, and a great weekend for US! In the end 1 Corinthians 5, as many questions as it raises for us, is a call to a level of community that frankly is still out there for us. The worship was powerful! The...
by Ed Noble | Oct 1, 2012 | Ed's blog, Weekends |
There is so much in and around this weekend, exciting and challenging that in some ways I felt like I crawled in to the worship center. But wouldn’t you know, the services ended up being exactly what I needed. I know, that’s not the point and we try to not plan...