by Ed Noble | Oct 10, 2011 | Ed's blog, Weekends |
One of the things that is fascinating about the story of Vintage, pristine “Christianity” is the way that the writer Luke struggles to come up with nouns to refer to this moving entity. Sometimes he refers to it as “ekklesia” (the word we translate church – which is...
by Ed Noble | Sep 29, 2011 | Ed's blog, Weekends |
Better late than never, but here are a few thoughts on last weekend at Journey. Worship: I love how we’ve been incorporating some classic hymns and arranging them in a way that makes them accessible to our style of worship. Honestly, some of these songs have such deep...
by Ed Noble | Sep 20, 2011 | Ed's blog, Weekends |
Vintage Us is about US! It’s our story and my favorite part of this series so far has been the My Journey’s, the current, right here, right now Vintage Us stories. Apparently there was something in the air, because I had a hard time choking this out, but Shawn...
by Ed Noble | Sep 15, 2011 | Ed's blog, Weekends |
As you can tell from the title of this post it was a crazy weekend! I’ve blogged about this phrase on more than one occasion, but it was a “THIS IS CHURCH” weekend. “THIS IS CHURCH” is kind of Hyble-ism (Bill Hybles, pastor of Willow Creek Community Church has...
by Ed Noble | Sep 6, 2011 | Ed's blog, Leadership, Weekends |
Sometime weekends come together in a way that you can’t take much credit for. This was one of those! This was definitely one of those. I love teaching in Acts. There are lots of reasons that are just about the books of Acts! But I also sense that this fits hand in...
by Ed Noble | Sep 1, 2011 | Ed's blog, Weekends |
Let’s get real here – we want to see pics of the babies and their parents –but allow me to have you read a couple of thoughts on the weekend and then I promise, PICS PICS and MORE PICS! TEACHER APPRECIATION I love what God is doing at Journey to help us more and more...