by Ed Noble | Sep 1, 2011 | Ed's blog, Weekends |
Let’s get real here – we want to see pics of the babies and their parents –but allow me to have you read a couple of thoughts on the weekend and then I promise, PICS PICS and MORE PICS! TEACHER APPRECIATION I love what God is doing at Journey to help us more and more...
by Journey Community Church | Aug 28, 2011 | Podcast |
Lead Pastor Ed Noble closes Essential Life with our call to be peacemakers.
by Ed Noble | Aug 23, 2011 | Ed's blog, Spiritual life, Weekends |
This weekend we launched a WEEK OF PRAYER at Journey and spent the weekend thinking about one of those ESSENTIAL ESSENTIALS of life with God. It’s hard to imagine a spiritual practice that is much more core to life with God than prayer. Of course the challenge in...
by Journey Community Church | Aug 21, 2011 | Podcast |
Lead Pastor Ed Noble looks at Colossians 4 and the essentialness of prayer in our lives.
by Ed Noble | Aug 17, 2011 | Ed's blog, Leadership, Spiritual life, Weekends |
Every now and then one actually “smarten’s up”. Here’s where this is going: for the last 10 years attending the Leadership Summit, I have had a weekend message facing me that kept me trying to steal 20 minutes here and 30 minutes there texting friends back east who...