Sometime I can feel it coming. I can sense that God wants to do something deeper than usual and concomitantly (naturally associated with) that the evil one really does NOT want that to happen. Sometimes there’s a depression that sets in, sometimes I seem a little more...

MEANING OF LOVE and the Weekend that Was

Up to now we’ve looked at the MEANING of LIFE, SUFFERING, SPORT, SEX, MARRIAGE, RESPECT and this weekend we looked at the meaning of LOVE. “If we get this wrong, it’s all for naught.” Jesus is clear in what, following our friend Scot McKnight, we’ve taken to calling...


We have had 2 POWERFUL weekends at Journey. The series we’re in is about meaning. And in some senses it seemed like we went from the sublime to the ridiculous, from the “Meaning of Suffering” to “Sports”. This goes after a common misconception about life with God. We...